Monday 6 August 2012

 Today's Featured Artists

Michael Boaden (Chief Alien/Toby the Gorilla): Michael is making his acting debut in his fiftieth year although he has plenty of previous experience, having been a Local Councillor in Carlisle for thirteen years and Parliamentary Candidate three times. The height of his ambition used to be a wish to be Prime Minister but now it has become carrying a surf board and ‘friend' across a stage without tripping over!

Brynie Boyle (Alma Harris): Hi, my name is Brynie Boyle and I'm just about to go into Year 11 in September where I'm doing Drama at GCSE. My passion is acting and performing and I'm really excited to be in the Edinburgh Fringe. Some productions that I have been in include The Annie Tour 2010 when I played Duffy, and Juliet when my school took part in the Shakespeare Schools Festival performing Romeo and Juliet. I feel that this is a big opportunity and I cannot wait to perform in The Fringe.”

There was a big response to the recent DAILY QUESTION, "Where Is Presley Beach?" posed by Eileen of Barrow. Suggested answers include:

'Morecambe, because there used to be a fairground there called Fun City.' (Ted Pendleton, Morecambe)

'In the writer's head.' (Patty O'Dawes, Limerick)

'I don't care, man, but it might have been here.' (Fred The Hippy, Weston Super Mare)

Today's DAILY QUESTION, from Sanjay in Kendal, is "How many GOOD Elvis films are there?"

STOP PRESS: BBC Radio Cumbria's Gordon Swindlehurst will be featuring songs from the show in his lunchtime show this week, 6th-10th August. Also, see Gordon's Facebook page for a picture of Alien Head being interviewed on the show last week along with writer, Keith Baty.

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